Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends

Bubba Stacy
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Summer shouldn't be spent on the couch. Get yourself outside with friends and have some fun all while staying fit. Check out these fun outdoor activities and beat the heat with your friends this summer!

Fun Outdoor Activities To Do In The Summer

Beach and Water Ideas

A trip to the beach or the lake is perfect for group outings. Here are outdoor ideas you and your friends can enjoy on your trip:

1. Swimming

Swimming | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

It's time to find the nearest watering hole, and we don't mean the bar. Swimming is the best way to exercise and cool off in hot weather. It's a total body workout and it's an effective way to burn fat. Split your group into teams and play a game of swimming relay or "chicken" to make things really fun.

2. Kayaking

Another water exercise you can do in the summer months (without getting wet!) is kayaking. All that paddling will provide your upper body the workout you need to keep (or work on) that summer body.

3. Frisbee

Who knew tossing a flying disc and running around to catch it could be so much fun? Playing frisbee is one of the most effortless ways you can get your blood flowing while having fun. If you have a large group of friends, try out the ultimate frisbee. It's perfect for getting more people in on the activity.

4. Volleyball

Volleyball | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

With volleyball, you can keep your group busy and entertained for hours. A friendly game of volleyball will keep your adrenaline high and work out your body — plus, you can make new friends by inviting people to play!

5. BBQ Party

Summer activities can make anyone hungry! Fire up the grill and plan a cookout with your buddies. While you're at it, enjoy a couple of drinks with them to cool down. This is a great way to relax after a tiring day under the sun.

Land Outdoor Activities

Not into the water or beach? Try out these other outdoor activities:

1. Tennis

Tennis | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

Organize a tennis match with your friends — play in singles, doubles, or organize a tournament. You'll break a sweat, but you will also exercise your arms and legs after a round or two of tennis.

2. Touch Football

This is one of the fun outdoor activities you can enjoy with friends. Unlike tackle football, you won't have to play rough in a game of touch football. It's a fun and easy outdoor game to play!

3. Rock Climbing

Level up your outdoor sports by taking rock climbing lessons. Visit the nearest gym or recreation center and sign up for classes with your friends. With consistent training, you can increase your stamina and make yourself stronger. Plus, it's more fun to learn something new with friends!

4. Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

If you're on the adventurous side, mountain climbing is something you should try. You don't need to scale the highest areas to strengthen your body. Climbing or running up and down a steep slope is great for your body training.

5. Camping

Take a break from the hustle and bustle by going camping with your friends. This is also something you can do on your mountain climbing or hiking trip. Take some time to reconnect with nature and refresh yourself this summer.


Small Group Outdoor Sports and Activities

For a small company or your alone time, here's a list of outdoor sports and activities you can go through:

1. Running

Running | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

Do this early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Running is a good way to do your cardio exercise and burn fats. And while you're at it, you'll get a breath of fresh air. Doing it regularly or daily will also help train you for a marathon — perhaps another activity you can do with friends!

2. Biking

One of the fun outdoor activities you and your friends can do together is biking. You can do this for leisure or turn it into a sport to burn calories. Riding your bike will also work out and tone your legs. Plus, when you swap driving for biking, you contribute to cleaner air. How cool is that?

3. Hiking

Hiking | Summer Blues? Do These Fun Outdoor Activities With Friends | outdoor game ideas

Find a trail you can traverse by yourself or with company. Walking and going through hurdles along your hike will help build your stamina and cut down calories all at the same time. Make sure that your trail is marked well so you don't lose your way!

4. Escape Room

Challenge your wits and play as a team in an escape room! Put your thinking caps on and solve the mystery before the time runs out. An escape room game is a cool way to exercise your mind and teamwork skills.

5. Volunteer

Spend a meaningful time alone or with friends by paying it forward as a volunteer. Visit your local shelters, church, school, and other organizations that need volunteers. Find an activity or a cause that interests you and pitch in where you're needed.


Benefits of Engaging in Outdoor Summer Activities

These fun outdoor activities will give you a great time with your friends. But more than that, they will improve your health. Here are the benefits of enjoying outdoor action:

  • Improved Diet — You need to eat right to have enough strength.
  • Body Workout — You'll get the exercise your body needs.
  • Stress Alleviation — You can let the steam off when you engage in physical activities.
  • Happier Disposition — And in turn, you will be a happier person!

Final reminders: Always use the right equipment for your activities. Don't forget to dress appropriately so you don't feel uncomfortable.


If you want to try out more unique outdoor game ideas, check out this video from Cottage Life:

With these fun outdoor activities, you don't need to worry about having a summer slump. You can always find something to do with your friends or even by yourself. If boredom starts to settle in, feel free to go back to this list of outdoor activity ideas. Have a productive summer!

What's your favorite outdoor activity for summer? Share your stories with us in the comments section below!

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