We take a deep dive into Ranger Beard Oil and Wild Willies Beard Oil, so that you can figure out which one is right for you.
We’ll cover how each product compares across these categories:
Variety & Scents
Customer Reviews
Our Quick Take:
Overall Winner: Wild Willies Beard Oil
Wild Willies: All natural. High quality. Reasonable price points.
Ranger Beard Oil: Solid product, comparatively simple formulation. Just outclassed by Wild Willies.
Table of Contents
At A Glance: Key Similarities and Differences
Product |
Price |
Size |
Bottle Type |
Amazon Rating |
Wild Willies Beard Oil |
$9.86 |
2 oz |
Dropper & Pump |
Ranger Beard Oil |
$15.97 |
1 oz |
Dropper |
Ingredients & Scents
Winner: Wild Willies Beard Oil - All naturally derived, NO preservatives, zero chemical “fragences.” The “right” blend of oils.
Ranger Beard Oil - All Natural. Only 2 main oils.
Beard oil ingredients can be boiled down to three main categories.
Oils & vitamins
And fragrances
Natural oils and vitamins are what you want, chemicals and fragrances are what you avoid.
Ingredients for beard oil should include carrier oils, essential oils, and Vitamins (espeically vitamin E).
Carrier oils help condition and nourish the beard and the skin underneath, while essential oils provide many benefits such as promoting healthy beard growth, fighting bacteria and fungus, preventing ingrown hairs, and reducing inflammation.
Essential oils provide fragrance and other skin and hair benefits.
Vitamin E is great in beard oil because it helps nourish and protect the skin beneath your beard by keeping your skin hydrated, and free from irritation, dryness, and flaking.
So what’s in each beard oil?
Product |
Ingredients |
Wild Willies Beard Oil |
Ranger Beard Oil |
Wild Willies Original Beard Oil contains 7 natural oils, including carrier oils and essential oils that work together to nourish and soften your beard and skin.
Wild Willies Hemp Beard Oil contains 3 oils.
Comparatively, Ranger Beard Oil only contains 2 main ingredients. Their scented beard oils contain essential oils, but it is unclear which essential oils are included.
It’s great to pair down oils, to a point, and to use only the highest quality. But by using too few oils you run the risk of missing out on a plethora of benefits provided by additional oils and ingredients.
Wild Willies has struck a balance in it’s hemp series at 3 oils plus two other ingredients. We wouldn’t get rid of any of our three oils because each offers a distinct benefit.
That said, if you’re allergic to certain oils, you may want to give Ranger a go.
Wild Willies: None.
Ranger: None.
Wild Willies: None.
Ranger: None.
Neither product includes any chemicals or “fragrances”. Good to go on those fronts!
Variety & Scents
Winner: Tie
Wild Willies - 4 scents made with essential oils. All natural ingredients.
Ranger - 4 scents made with essential oils. All natural ingredients.
Product |
Scents |
Wild Willies Beard Oil |
Ranger Beard Oil |
This one is a straight up tie. Both brands have four fragrances, each made with natural ingredients.
A sampling of reviews from each brand revealed that respective customers really like the scents.
For Wild Willies, the Original scent that smells a bit woodsy with cedar and pine notes is the most popular scent.
For Ranger the more more highly rated scent is their Cedar wood offering.
Winner: Wild Willies - Original and Mint: $4.95 per oz; Hemp: $19.97 per oz
Ranger - $15.97 per oz
Wild Willies - Wild Willies Beard Oil starts at $4.93 per ounce for the original line and goes up to $19.97 for the hemp line. Which give you options in terms of price point. You can get a great oil that doesn’t break the bank, or upgrade to the hemp line. Your choice.
Ranger - Ranger Beard Oil is more than 3 times the cost of Wild Willies Original line. But, Cheaper than the hemp line. At $15.97 it’s on par with other premium offerings. Unlike most other premium beard oils, Ranger’s on contains two main (carrier) oils at that price point.
Because of the multiple price points, this round goes to Wild Willies.
Wild Willies |
Ranger |
Winner: Tie.
Wild Willies uses a spray style bottle for the original line and a dropper style bottle for the Hemp line. The dropper lets you precisely control the number of drops and the amount of oil for each application. And customers love the ease of the sprayer in the original line because it’s simple to use, dispenses a set amount per spray and there’s no mess.
Ranger uses a dropper style bottle. It has the same benefits of the dropper style bottle that Wild Willies has.
Beard Oil

A Badass Beard Oil that hydrates and softens your beard. The right consistency so your beard feels soft yet not greasy. Experience the ultimate in beard care with Wild Willies Beard Oil, designed for badass beard care enthusiasts. Restores Moisture… Read More
Shipping and Returns
Winner: Tie
Wild Willies - Accepts all returns with proof of purchase.
Ranger - Only accepts unopened returns. But offers free shipping at a lower price point.
Wild Willies
100% customer satisfaction (Accepts all returns w/ proof of purchase within 30 days)
Free shipping over $50
Products ship within 1-2 days of purchase
Join Wild Willies VIP membership to get 10% off
Ranger Grooming Co
Only accepts unopened, non-sale items within 30 days of purchase
Free shipping over $30
Customer Reviews
Winner: Tie
Both Wild Willies and Ranger are highly rated beard oils according to their respective customers.
Ranger doesn’t have reviews on site. So we had to turn to amazon where at the time of this writing they have 929 reviews on the available scented oils.
Wild Willies has 2751 reviews just on their site, not counting Amazon, Walmart, Target etc… reviews.
Interestingly, Wild Willies for it’s oils only has 4 stars and 5 star reviews.
About 20% of Ranger reviews are 3,2, and 1 star reviews for its scented products.
After combing through the predominant complaint of these lower tier reviews are about the smell.
Final Breakdown
Our overall winner is Wild Willies Premium Beard Oil because of it’s natural derived ingredients and sheer number of great reviews.
But, Ranger is a solid product with a following that loves their compartively simple oils.
Over-all winner: Wild Willies Beard Oil
Ingredients winner: Wild Willies
Variety winner: Tie
Price Winner: Wild Willies
Packaging Winner: Tie
Shipping and Returns: Tie
Customer Reviews Winner: Wild Willies
What are your thoughts?
Leave a comment below and let us know if we missed anything. If you have tried Ranger Beard Oil or Wild Willies, let us know which one you prefer.
Beard Oil

A Badass Beard Oil that hydrates and softens your beard. The right consistency so your beard feels soft yet not greasy. Experience the ultimate in beard care with Wild Willies Beard Oil, designed for badass beard care enthusiasts. Restores Moisture… Read More