Preparing Your Beard for that New Year’s Kiss

Bubba Stacy
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We can’t wait for New Year’s Eve, but we don’t want to spend the countdown thinking about resolutions that’ll never last. Get your beard ready and use those last moments of the year to chat up that special someone who’s been eyeing you all night from across the party. Here’s Wild Willies’ Guide to preparing your beard for that New Year’s kiss.

The Look

Everyone’s beard is different, but we can all agree that we want our beards to look better than any other guy’s. Your beard IS your face. It’s the first thing people see when they meet you, and if first impressions are everything, it can say a lot about what kind of man you are.

No matter your facial hair style (goatee, full beard, or even five o’clock shadow), there are certain rules every bearded man should follow:

1. Symmetry

Studies show that people tend to find facial symmetry very attractive. We can’t change the structure of your face, but we can tell you that when it comes to shaping the outline of your beard, it’s important to do so in a way that makes your face look as symmetrical as possible. If you have a random bald patch on your cheek, then maybe the full beard isn’t the look for you. Find the look that makes your beard and face look nice, even, and symmetrical.

We recommend using a beard shaping tool to make sure your lines are exactly as straight or as rounded as you need them to be. After that, use a beard butter to mold your beard and keep your longer, wilder hairs in place. There’s no such thing as physical perfection, but getting as close to perfection as you can might just make for the perfect night.

2. Keep It Clean

A clean and put together beard is usually on the face of a clean put together guy. Once you’ve found your shape and outlined your new look, make sure to keep it clean. Don’t let hairs outside your shape grow wild. Use a razor to shave those outliers as often as possible.

Keeping it clean may not be the most convenient grooming task in the world, but neither is getting haircuts, trimming your nails, or having to shower every day. When you take the time to do these things though, people notice. There’s a reason we don’t look like cavemen anymore. Make sure that special someone notices just how good and approachable your beard looks so that you have plenty of time to mingle before the ball drops at midnight.

The Smell

When she’s close enough to smell your breath, she’s close enough to smell your beard. Thankfully, there’s plenty of ways to improve your beard’s scent, but that $50 bottle of designer cologne isn’t one of them. You’ve pulled her in with your look, so get something subtle and appealing enough to keep her in the conversation—something that isn’t the pizza and beer you had last night.

While we definitely don’t recommend pouring designer fragrances into your beard, we will say that there’s a thing or two we can learn from our cologne connoisseur brothers. Just like cologne, the obvious tip is not to let the smell be overpowering. If anything, you want to smell clean and fresh. We recommend using a beard wash or shampoo with a subtle scent.

After you’re all washed up, don’t be afraid to rub in a little beard butter that smells as fresh as you’ll look and try something with a hint of mint.

The Feel

When the countdown starts, and you’ve done everything you need to land that big kiss, make sure your beard feels as good as it looks and smells. Luckily, that beard wash and beard butter you’ve been using can help you here, too.

Even though shampooing your beard is important for getting that well-groomed look and smell, it’s important you don’t shampoo every day. Just like the hair on your head, your beard needs the oils your face and body naturally produce, the same oils shampoos and soaps are meant to get rid of. We recommend washing your beard about 2-3 times a week and right after a good sweat. That way you can hold on to those natural oils for as long as possible.

If you find your beard is still drying out and getting prickly, beard products like oils and beard soft are great ways to maintain that great, soft feel. Your beard is a pillow and the first point of physical contact between you and that special someone, and you wouldn’t want to rest your head and face on something that feels like sandpaper, so take that extra step to make sure your beard is as soft as suede. A splash of beard oil, a quick run-through with the hands, and you’re ready to go. We recommend products made with hemp, biotin, or caffeine to help your face maintain those natural oils and promote strong and rapid growth, keeping your beard soft and healthy.

And finally, the kiss! Once you’ve done everything you need to prepare your beard, make sure you’re a gentleman and get home safe. Happy New Years!

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