New Year, New Beard!

Bubba Stacy
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With the New Year right around the corner, resolutions being made and your fresh start on its way,  it's time for you to treat your facial hair the proper way in 2016!

Your beard will do so much for you during the New Year…so help it, help you.

Your beard isn’t just something that grows on your face. It will keep you warm in winter and have the ladies all over you in the summer. It is a symbol of your manhood, demands respect and is a direct representation of how badass you truly are.

Your beard is a lot of things and deserves to always be taken care!

Since your facial hair will be working hard in 2016, do it a favor and reward it with products that will stimulate it in the best ways.

Here at Wild Willies we know that you’re not going to just smother and cover your face with some random beard balm or oil…

Each of our balms and oils has a distinctive balance of essential oils and natural ingredients to ensure that irritation, itching & dandruff are not going to be an issue.

Not using any chemicals, preservative or colorants in any products guarantees that what is going onto your face will not harm or irritate your skin.

If you are a part of the many men who are attempting to grow out their facial hair in 2016, we want to help.

Embrace your new facial freedom by using great products!

Here at Wild Willies our mission is strong:

Shave Less, Beard More.

Cheers to the New Year & your New Beard!

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