There's no question that a well-groomed beard can make you look more masculine and attractive, but what about a neckbeard? Do women find this type of facial hair sexy? Neckbeards have been increasing in popularity over the past few years, but many still consider them to be a bit too "out there" for most people. In this article, we will take a closer look at neckbeards and ask the question: do you really want one?
Table of Contents
What is a Neckbeard?
Neckbeards, aka neck beards, refer to a beard style that grows below the jawline on the neck. Neckbeards have become more prevalent in recent years, but many people are still unsure what they are or why they're growing.
Some overweight men might try to hide that dreaded double chin by growing out a neckbeard. Just be aware that since your neck puffs out, the beard growth on the neck will be even more noticeable.
For others, they don't have much of an option since that is where most of their facial hair grows.
What Does it Mean To Call Someone a Neckbeard?
Before you grow a neckbeard, there is something you may want to know about the word neckbeard. The term neckbeard has multiple meanings. For some, it is, as it sounds, a beard that grows on your neck. For others, it may be offensive or derogatory.
Calling Someone a Neckbeard
Various dictionaries and online listings suggest that the pejorative term "neckbeard" is derogatory. It is used to poke fun or describe a man that has certain personality traits, including:
- Lack of personal hygiene
- Socially inept
- Overweight
- Internet Troll
- Antisocial
- and more
A neckbeard is stereotyped as a social reject who is unattractive to the opposite sex. Sometimes the neckbeard is an avid gamer, anime fan, or has many other hobbies and interests. It is a description that has evolved to mean more than just being a geek or nerd.
Is it Neckbeard or Neck Beard?
According to the Oxford online dictionary, a neckbeard means a beard that covers the neck. So for this article, we will stick with the one-word version instead of two.
How to Grow a Neckbeard?
Neckbeard beards are not for everyone. If you are thinking of growing a neckbeard, you should consider a few things first.
First, make sure that you have the facial hair to grow a neckbeard. Neckbeards require a lot of hair growth, so if you can only grow a thin mustache and sideburns, you will not produce a neckbeard.
Second, make sure you are willing to put in the time and effort required to grow a neckbeard. Neckbeard beards take a long time to grow in and require regular grooming.
Third, make sure that you are comfortable with the way you look.
Where do Neckbeards Come From?
Neckbeards come from a variety of different places. Some men grow them because they can't grow a full beard, while others grow them because they think they look sexy or masculine.
A novel written by Charles Sealsfield called Rambleton was published in the 1840s, where the beard type became published and more well known. He described 5 different beard types in the story, and the neckbeard made a list!
A more contemporary neckbeard is simply patches of facial hair grown on the neck and typically has a messy, disheveled look.
A great-looking neckbeard is unique and somewhat rare, but if you're willing to put in the time and effort required to grow one, go ahead and give it a try!
Do Men Grow Neck Hair?
Yes, some men do grow neck hair. Neck hair is usually thicker and more coarse than the hair on your head. Neck hair can be a challenge to shave, so many men choose to let it grow long. Neck hair can also be styled into a beard or goatee.
How Far Down Your Neck Should Your Beard Go?
Let's be honest; we all want to look good. But how far down your neck should your beard hairs go? Every guy has a different answer for this question, and the answer is based on personal preference. Some guys can pull off a chin strap beard. Others can grow a full beard with ease.
Every person has the right to choose a beard style that suits their personality. That being said, most men trim their beard 2-3 fingers above your Adam's apple and remove all the hair under that area.
How do you Get Rid of a Neckbeard?
There are a few different ways to get rid of a neckbeard. You can shave it, trim it, wax it, or perform laser hair removal.
Shaving your neck
Necks can be a challenge to shave. That may be why many men don't shave daily.
Make sure that you use a sharp razor and shave in the direction of the hair growth. Apply shaving cream or gel before shaving and avoid shaving too closely to avoid cuts and nicks.
Trimming your neckbeard
If you plan to grow a neckbeard, trimming it will be crucial. This will ensure it doesn't look unkempt.
If you are looking for a classic neckbeard style, the hair on your face should be much shorter than the hair below your jawline.
Waxing your neckbeard
How to wax your beard?
Waxing your beard is a great way to keep it groomed and looking neat. Make sure that you are using quality wax and that the hair on your beard is at least 2-3 inches long.
Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth and make sure that you cover every area of your beard. Let the wax dry for a few minutes, then peel it off.
It may be best to have a professional tackle this. They will know the best way to ease the pain and stop ingrown hairs from becoming a problem.
Laser hair removal for your neckbeard
Laser hair removal sounds like it would be painful, but it's not the worst way to go. Laser hair treatment is a comfortable way to get rid of neckbeard hair.
The process takes just minutes, and it's not that painful because lasers quickly vaporize unwanted hairs at the roots. Neck hairs are tougher than other facial hair, so they will need more sessions than if you were removing eyebrows or upper lip hairs, but some people find it more tolerable than waxing.
It's not the cheapest option, but it's one of the best ways to remove stubborn neck hair or severe neckbeard problems.
If you are considering laser treatment, look at reviews and find a licensed med spa with a doctor on staff.
The deciding factor of growing or shaving a neckbeard.
Neckbeards are becoming more popular. With the rise of Hollywood stars like Tom Hanks and Vin Diesel sporting the look, more and more men are beginning to grow their neck hair out for style and comfort. If you're still interested in growing a neckbeard after reading this article, go ahead and give it a try – just make sure that you take care of it properly so that it looks its best. Wild Willies Fuel Your Beard Kit has you covered no matter what beard type you have.