How To Land One Of These 7 High-Paying Careers

Bubba Stacy
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Everyone dreams of having a high-paying career when they grow up, but most people tend to believe that success and money only arise in the corporate world. That isn't exactly true. This article gives you seven careers to look into the next time you’re on the search for your perfect career.

High-Paying Careers Outside the Corporate World


1. Police Chief

Police chiefs hold the responsibility of overseeing an entire area’s police department. They serve the public and report directly to the mayor or governor when it comes to their area’s crime rate. They usually have a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to their jobs because they have to uphold a high ethical standard. This means they need to be a model citizen, whether they’re in their uniform or not.

Average Annual Salary: $103,000+

2. Construction Manager

Construction Manager | How To Land One Of These High-Paying Careers | high paying careers

Most construction managers usually have a college degree or a management background. They're in charge of the workers on the construction site, making sure site safety is a priority and making sure deadlines are met. Practice your communication skills if you want to be an effective construction manager. Remember, someday you’ll have a team of your own who will look up to you as their leader. Treat them fairly and stick up for them to boost their morale.

Average Annual Salary: $87,000+

3. Rancher

Ever dreamed of having your own ranch as a kid? Well then dust off your cowboy boots, grab your cowboy hat, and practice your lasso skills. You’re in luck if you live in Texas, too. The Lone Star State is home to tons of ranches.

Some of the perks of the job include working outdoors 90% of the time and being able to raise animals of your own. You’ll also be expected to count all your cattle regularly to ensure no one is stealing any of them from your ranch.

Average Annual Salary: $64,000

4. Farmer

Farmer | How To Land One Of These High-Paying Careers

Farming is one of the best jobs to have if you’re a big fan of the outdoors. With sustainable living being all the rage at the moment, you can live off your own fruits and vegetables. You might even want to raise animals on your land if you have the resources to do so. Aside from being outdoors, farming also gives you the opportunity to work for yourself. You can start your own business doing the very thing you love.

Average Annual Salary: $64,000

5. Park Ranger

Park rangers work with wildland firefighters at times to protect woodlands and forests. They patrol the area and also help out in search and rescue missions, should there ever be a need. At times, they work with the local area’s visitor center, answering any questions the public may have and giving tours for the park they’re assigned to.

Average Annual Salary: $60,000

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