Following a Proven Plan To Achieve the Best Beard Growth

Kristian S
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Many men look in the mirror and wonder if they have the potential to grow a full, gorgeous beard. For some, the curiosity will lead to at least one attempt to grow out their facial hair. If they love the results, they will probably never see their baby-smooth face again. Unfortunately, most men give up before they even see the first hint of what their beard can become. Whether you want to grow a beard because you are tired of shaving or are genuinely curious about how you will look, you have to commit to the process; the best beard growth comes from patience.

While nearly every man can grow a beard, not all beards will be the same. Some men struggle with patchiness, and others have finer hair. However, don’t let what you see as inadequacies stop you from taking steps to develop the right beard for you. Growing a beard is about understanding your facial hair and resisting the urge to give up. Remember, you will not look like Jason Momoa overnight, if ever, but don’t let that deter your potential.

A beard is possible for you with the right strategy. The main thing you need to remember is hair comes in all shapes and sizes, so you need to maintain realistic expectations. Even if you don’t grow that stereotypical lumberjack style, you can develop a beard that is uniquely you. With that in mind, it’s necessary to dive into the process and understand the steps to achieve your natural beard.

Best Beard Growth Practices | Wild Willies

Know Your Facial Hair and Make a Plan for the Best Beard Growth

Before developing a realistic growth plan, you need to understand your facial hair: how it grows and where it grows. While some new enthusiasts believe that you need to have a previous history with beard growth to know your facial hair, that is not the case. Even men who shave every day can tell you different characteristics about their facial hair. They can tell you the direction it grows in, how far down the neck it extends, how quickly it grows, and if it is patchy or even.

Understanding how your facial hair grows and how quickly it grows are crucial to figuring out a care plan. If you have a patchy beard, you will probably need to leave it alone for longer, allowing for styling to cover patchy areas. If you have a thick and fast-growing beard, you might need to trim it more often than other beard growers.

Understand How Facial Shape Can Influence Beard Growth

One of the advantages of growing a beard is the ability to enhance or change your face shape. When you look in the mirror, what do you want from your look? Is your face rounder than you would like? If so, consider shaping your future beard so the sides are shorter and the chin area is more extended, making your face look leaner. If you have an oval face and want it to look more angular, consider growing the sides out longer and shortening the length around the chin. If your face is square, and you want to alter the harshness of the angles, consider trimming rounded edges.

While it is early in the process, knowing how you want your beard to shape your face is something you should learn early on, especially before you consider trimming anything. Having a beard shape in mind will help you or your barber clean up and start shaping your overall look later.

Initial Shaving Is Key for Best Beard Growth

While it can seem counter-intuitive, performing a close shave before you start growing a beard can help promote smoother and healthier growth. Many barbers recommend an initial close shave to stimulate hair follicles and reduce potential in-grown hairs as the beard develops. Some professionals even recommend performing a daily close shave for a minimum of seven days before starting to grow out your facial hair.

The way you shave can make a difference in how your beard grows. You want to shave with the grain and only with the grain. Some men shave in all directions for a baby-smooth finish, but that can lead to problems when you start growing your beard because you have trained your facial hair to grow in all directions.

You’ll also want to use pre-shave oil and thick shaving cream for the best results. Finish up your shave by rinsing your face and applying an alcohol-free moisturizer. By hydrating your skin and following this simple shaving routine for several days, you can enhance your beard growth because your skin is healthy and hydrated.

Best Beard Growth Practices Don't Shave

For the Best Beard Growth, Leave It Be for Two Months

After shaving for the last time, tuck your razor in a drawer and do not touch it. You have to allow your beard to grow, which means having patience and getting through the grow-out phase. You want to let your facial hair grow for a minimum of two months, at least eight weeks. If your beard grows at a slower rate, you might want to give it longer. This initial growth phase is crucial, and you shouldn’t even consider trimming or shaping your beard during it.

Unfortunately, many first-time beard growers don’t make it past the four-to-six-week mark because they start to experience itchiness. The itchy sensation is natural as whiskers begin to grow out and push through the skin. Some men find the feeling unbearable and shave their barely formed beards clean off. Don’t shave off the beard. Instead, use moisturizing products like Wild Willies Beard Oil, because extreme itchiness is likely due to dry skin. Using specific products like beard balms and oils can help moisturize the skin and soften the incoming hairs, alleviating beard itch and allowing you to get past the fundamental growth stage. 

Plan Beard Lines for Best Beard Growth

While the general rule is to let your beard grow, it is also essential to maintain your appearance. Some men might work at home or in positions where they can let their facial hair go crazy, but most people have office jobs or hold positions where appearance matters. Therefore, while overall shaping is off-limits for the first couple of months, it is often necessary to trim your beard lines.

The primary points of concern are the cheeks and neck. When it comes to the cheeks, you want to maintain control over any stragglers — those hairs growing outside of the main body of the beard, typically high on the cheeks. For the neck, it is necessary to determine a neckline. You do not want to trim the neck too high or let it grow too low. For most men, the neckline should not be visible when looking in the mirror. Some men prefer a higher line, which sits about an inch above the Adam’s apple, and others prefer it slightly lower. It is up to you to discover which you like.

While creating a neckline and maintaining a clean appearance are necessary, remember not to touch the bulk of the beard. You have to let the body of the beard grow. The key is to experiment with different lines so you know what you want when it is time to shape your beard — making it easier when you tell your barber what you want.

Best Beard Growth Tips: Trim Your Neckline

Shape and Trim Your Beard

Now that you have let your beard grow out for a minimum of two months, it is time for some fun and congratulations. The congratulations are for staying patient and committing to the process. The fun part is all about shaping and styling your beard.

After eight weeks of growth, you should have a good idea of what your beard is and how it can look. Shaping the beard is about making the expectation meet the reality. You will need several things to help you style your beard:

  • Beard wash

  • Beard conditioner

  • Beard brush

  • Scissors

  • Beard trimmer with multiple guards

  • Beard balm

You want to start by washing and conditioning your beard to help soften the hairs. Then, brush out your beard using the brush, going in downward motions. After brushing out your beard, use scissors to cut off any flyaways or stragglers and trim around your lips. Finally, use the beard trimmer and various guards to clean up and shape your beard, finishing with beard balm to help style the look. For first-timers, it is best to visit a barber and have your beard professionally styled.

The Best Beard Growth Relies on Additional Products

Now that your beard is shaped, it is time to maintain it, which will rely on several products. The main products you will need to keep on hand at all times are:

  • Exfoliator

  • Moisturizer

  • Beard oil

  • Beard balm

  • Beard wash and conditioner

  • Beard brush

The skin underneath the beard can become dry and flaky, which is why it is crucial to adopt a skincare regimen that includes an exfoliator and moisturizer. You will want to use these products every day. Beard oil will also help moisturize the skin, but it contributes additional nutrients ideal for follicle development. You will want to use a beard balm to help smooth and shape the beard. The beard wash and conditioner should be used at least every other day to promote healthy and soft hair growth. Finally, use the beard brush every day to help distribute natural oils throughout the beard.

While all of this might be a bit overwhelming, it will become second nature the longer you have and maintain your beard. Having a beard is all about patience and developing new habits.

Best Beard Growth Tips

Best Beard Growth Tips

While the above tips are great for growing, shaping and maintaining your beard, you need to understand that beard growth depends on your overall health as well. Therefore, if you want the best beard you can grow, you need to consider the lifestyle choices you are making and how they are either inhibiting or promoting hair development.


Proper nutrition is directly related to the best beard growth. A healthy and balanced diet can ensure that your testosterone levels remain in the normal range. Nutrients such as zinc are also beneficial for testosterone production.

While a healthy diet cannot alter your genetics or guarantee a full, luscious beard, it can ensure you grow the best beard you can. Healthy lifestyles typically promote healthier hair. If you want to establish a nutritious diet, consider adding these ingredients to your daily meals:

  • Lean protein

  • Whole grain and healthy carbs

  • Nuts and chickpeas

  • Avocados

  • Fruits and vegetables


Do you have an active lifestyle? A sedentary lifestyle can lead to premature hair loss and other health problems. However, an active lifestyle that includes at least 30 minutes of exercise per day can improve overall health and stimulate hair follicle growth. Strength training and weightlifting can also boost testosterone levels, which can further encourage natural hair growth.


While most people understand sleep is necessary for optimal health, many underestimate its value to growing a beard. The best beard growth is connected to testosterone production, and the body typically releases testosterone during sleep. According to several studies, testosterone levels peak during the first REM sleep cycle, remaining level until you wake.


Many men know about and take multi-vitamins, but did you know several supplements are explicitly targeted toward beard growth? While supplements like Wild Willies Beard Growth Supplement cannot override genetics, they can help ensure you get the nutrients your body needs, including iron and zinc, to grow your best beard.

There are many beard models with powerful, manly-looking manes, but achieving the best beard growth for you might look entirely different. Growing a beard is about finding self-confidence in your skin. Do not look to others for an example of who you’re supposed to be. Grow the beard you can grow and embrace it. Check out Wild Willies' beard growth collection to see which products would most benefit you if you are starting or improving your beard growth journey.

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