Here's what happened on Wild Willies
1. Shirt Collars Style Guide For Guys | Wild Willies
All shirt collars might look the same to you, but there will be times your clothing choice will communicate what kind of man you are more than your muscles or your ink. Also, like beards, all the different shirt collars complement specific face shapes, too. Having a little bit of knowledge on the difference between a point collar dress shirt and a club collar shirt couldn’t hurt (and might prove useful, especially when you’re trying to look marginally more handsome). Here’s a simple guide on shirt collars so you can figure out what looks best on you... Click to read more
2. 7 Beard Styles For Men With Short Hair
For many guys, growing a beard is the style statement of the year. Luckily, finding the best beard styles for men with short hair isn’t too difficult. Here are possible matches to check out... Click to read more
3. How To Tie A Tie: Choose The Right Tie Style For Your Beard
Knowing how to tie a tie is one thing. A bearded man choosing the right bowtie or necktie that goes well with his facial hair is another. You can master how to tie a double Windsor knot or an Eldredge knot but if these don’t match your chosen look well, you’ll just look like a bearded buffoon. In this article, aside from the different tie knots, we’ll also discuss how to choose the right tie... Click to read more
4. The 6 Most Common Issues Faced When Growing A Beard
Badass beard care demands more than just buying the latest in beard care brands and beard care products. Beard care and maintenance also involve knowing what natural ingredients will best address issues that’ll crop up from time to time. Here’s our simple guide to remedies you can use for everything from relieving itching to keeping your facial hair healthy and supple... Click to read more
5. Best Mustache Wax To Style Your Stache
It takes a real man to pull off an awesome mustache — and real men know that they need the best mustache wax to accomplish this. But what makes mustache wax the best? Here’s what you need to look out for when shopping for the product that will give you a ‘stache to rival Hulk Hogan's. Click to read more
What have you done to your tie this week? Let us know in the comments below.