Tackle any of your grooming needs.
Kristian S
Why Does My Beard Itch?
If you ask a beardless man why he hasn't chosen to go full-bearded, there's a good chance he'll say something about itching. For those new to facial hair, having bare skin covered in whiskers can seem like a nightmare of itching and scratching. For... more »
How To Fix Patchy Beard Growth
When you decided to grow a beard, you thought you’d rock a thick, bushy mane. You imagined you’d look in the mirror and see Jake Gyllenhaal or Jason Momoa staring back at you, not the reflection of the guy with patchy beard growth you see... more »
Sculpt Your Dream Beard: 10 Products To Look for in a Beard Grooming Kit
Have you noticed more bearded faces around lately? The beard revival is in full swing and shows no signs of stopping. Facial hair can serve as a confidence booster and a sign of maturity. No matter if you decided to grow your hair recently or you've... more »
5 Beginner's Tips for a Beard Maintenance Routine
Are you confused about what you need to do when you begin a beard maintenance routine? Beards, mustaches, goatees, sideburns, and all other forms of hair that grow on your face need to be groomed and maintained in a similar way to the hair on your head... more »
Facts About Facial Hair Growth Products and Why They Work
So, you're trying to grow a badass beard, but you aren't getting the results you expected. It's a little embarrassing, and you're wondering if you're doomed to a clean-shaven face for the rest of your life. It's true, your genes are a big factor in what... more »
What is Beard Butter and How to Use It
If you have a beard, you probably understand the importance of proper grooming. An unkempt beard can create a scraggly impression that few prospective partners are likely to approve of. A well-tended one, on the other hand, can render envious even the... more »
Taming Your Wild Beard With the Best Beard Straightener
Every beard is different, and that's a great thing. Some are thick and defined, while others are patchy and unruly. If you have a hard time taming your facial hair, even with balm and oils, it could be time to go for the best beard straightener you can... more »
5 Facts About Using Beard Wash and Conditioner
Whether you are growing yours out or prefer it neat and trim, your beard deserves a little love. Instead of lathering up your beard with the same bar of soap you use on your body, you should invest in a quality beard wash and conditioner to keep your facial... more »
8 Benefits of Using a Beard Derma Roller
A beard derma roller is a device that features a drum covered in micro needles attached to an ergonomic handle. While derma rollers are often used for microneedling skin, the Derma Roller by Wild Willies has 0.05-millimeter micro needles to promote... more »
Beard Care Tips for the Amateur
If you've just grown your first beard, you probably haven't quite mastered the art of grooming and trimming. While having a beard comes with a bit of a learning curve, it sure beats having to scrape your dry skin with a razor every morning. If you want... more »