Want to stop looking like those weird hairless cats? Apply these life hacks that’ll help you grow a scruffy, rugged beard you can be proud of.
In this article:
- Use Beard Oil
- Clean Your Sideburns
- Keep It Soft with Beard Shampoo
- Hide Your Patches
- Hairspray to Combat Humidity
- Train Your Beard
- Curl Your Beard Like a God’s
- Lessen Your Showers
- Don’t Be Afraid to Cut Your Beard Short
9 Useful Beard Hacks Every Scruffy Guy Should Know
1. Use Beard Oil
Just like the mane on your scalp, your beard needs oil and conditioning to grow thick and long. While facial hair does contain a good amount of natural oils, you strip away most of these when you take a bath. As a result, you get a thin, scraggly beard you can’t even style.
To prevent your mane from drying out, rub some beard oil on it regularly. It contains loads of nutrients, vitamins, and essential oils you need to grow a proud fuzz. You should look for a mix containing coconut, jojoba, or even tea tree oil for this.
Note: Don’t use hair conditioner on your beard. Just as laundry detergent doesn’t go on cars, scalp hair products do not go on your facial hair.
2. Clean Your Sideburns
Most guys are too focused on trimming and styling their beard that they forget about the other parts of their face. Keep in mind that one of the best hacks to make your beard look thicker is to trim its edges.
Trim the sideburns and edges of your beard regularly to maintain proper proportion. Most of the time these types of facial hair grow much faster than the beard. If you let them grow out, your fuzz will easily lose shape and definition.
Use a comb and a sharp pair of scissors. Remember not to rush trimming your sides, especially if it’s your first time. Also, make sure you use the proper facial hair-grooming tools for this. You can’t just use your wife’s old comb and kitchen scissors to trim your sideburns.
3. Keep It Soft with Beard Shampoo
It doesn’t matter how sexy your beard looks if it feels like a cactus. If you don’t want your girl to sneeze or wrinkle her nose every time you make out, then try to soften your fuzz.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that hard to achieve a brush that’s soft to the touch. In fact, most guys are just too lazy to even take care of their beard. One of the most useful hacks to keep your facial hair soft is to use beard shampoo.
When you hop in the shower, take some extra time to use specialized beard shampoo on your fuzz. Afterward, gently pat it dry with a clean towel, comb it, and then let it air dry. Basically, the simplest way to make your beard soft is to keep it clean and brush it often.
4. Hide Your Patches
Are you looking for a hack to hide your embarrassing beard patches? Then try combing it with some styling balm. Believe it or not, most guys have a patch or two in their fuzz. What separates the rugged men who don a sick beard from the rest is how well they hide it.
One of the simplest hacks for this is to cover your bald spots by combing hair over it and keeping it in place with styling balm. Make sure to check on your beard every now and then to see if the hair is moving out of place.
Note: If you really can’t grow out your patches, try trimming your beard a bit shorter. Bald spots become more prominent if the surrounding hair is too long.
RELATED: Beard Styling Tips For Real Men
5. Hairspray to Combat Humidity
A hot, humid climate can make your beard wild and frizzy. If you don’t want your beard to look like an upside down afro, then start grooming it with hairspray.
This is one of the best hacks for our rugged men living in the tropical south. A few touches of hairspray here and there are exactly what you need to tame your frizzy beard.
Tip: Before applying the hairspray, style your beard using a brush and hairdryer first. Only use the hairspray after you achieve the look you’re going for.
6. Train Your Beard
If you can train a dog or cat, then you can definitely train your beard. One of the coolest hacks to achieve a more defined face shape is to train your beard to grow downward. This is especially helpful for men who feel their fuzz makes their cheeks look chubby.
What you should do is to regularly comb and trim your beard downward toward your chest. As it grows, it will adopt a new pattern and it becomes much easier to style.
7. Curl Your Beard Like a God’s
Are you trying to get a perfectly arched beard like the ones Zeus and Poseidon have? Then this might be one of the best hacks for you to try.
The first thing you need to do is to stop patting your beard dry. Next, rub some sea salt spray and beard oil on your damp fuzz before letting it dry naturally in the air. By allowing your beard to dry on its own, your fuzz will naturally curl and take shape.

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Note: This won’t necessarily work for all men. You can only achieve a perfectly curled beard with thick, long strands.
8. Take Fewer Showers
If you want to retain your beard’s natural oils, then you need to cut back on getting it wet in the shower. Your fuzz’s oils are what make it grow long, strong, scruffy, and rugged. Stripping them away makes it grow weak.
But that doesn’t mean you should compromise on your hygiene for the sake of a sexy beard! Make sure you pay attention to your body odor to ensure that you still smell good all day long.
9. Don’t Be Afraid to Cut Your Beard Short
Let’s face it, a thick, fuzzy beard isn’t for everyone. If you still don’t like the result no matter what hacks you try, then it may be time to accept that a long beard just isn’t for you.
Try cutting it short to a stubble, shadow, or goatee instead. There are plenty of styles for you to try with your facial hair. Remember to go with a beard style that suits your face, mustache, hair, and of course, personality.
These are just some of the most useful hacks to grow a thick, scruffy beard that’s also soft and luscious to the touch. Overall, the most important thing here is to keep your beard clean and well-maintained. Ironically, simply letting your beard grow out won’t make it look rugged. Rather, it’ll just grow patchy and prickly. Create a beard-grooming routine that suits you and you’ll create a fuzz women will swoon over in no time.
Do you think these beard hacks would work? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
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