4 Stages To Expect for Your Beard Growth Timeline

Kristian S
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For many men, growing a first beard is a rite of passage and a point of pride. Others may feel that growing one is simply not for them. The only way to truly know if a beard is right for you is to go for it. To succeed, however, you must really commit. If you are thinking about unleashing your facial forest on the world for the first time, here are key points in every man's beard growth timeline that you need to be ready for.

1. The Initial Hesitation

Quitting a routine of daily or semi-daily shaving can feel odd at first. When looking in the mirror, your eyes may start to play tricks on you. Because some guys' beards are thicker than others, the first couple of weeks can produce anything from mere scruff to the beginnings of a healthy beard. During this period, you may spontaneously experience an urge to shave it all off and start from scratch. You may even wonder how your beard will affect your dating life. Such worries are merely tricks of an unsettled mind. You must persevere.

man scratching his itchy beard

2. Beard Growth Timeline Trial #1: Itchiness and Patchiness

Beginning around two and a half weeks, you are likely to experience some extreme itchiness at times. This is because your still-juvenile beard stalks are short enough to reach around and poke you in the face. Fear not; this trial will phase out at approximately week four.

Unless you are particularly blessed in the density and thickness of your facial hair, you may have patches that don't connect fully to others, especially under the mouth or at the cheeks. This isn't a sign to quit. Many men can grow impressively full beards despite minor gaps or patches.

3. Beard Growth Timeline Trial #2: The Decision

As you push past the two- to three-month mark, you are likely to have a good idea of how you and others feel about your beard. Now is the time to decide if you want to keep it. You and your beard may already have developed a strong emotional attachment. If you are satisfied overall but aren't blown away with the overall length, understand that your ideal length may still be months ahead.

At this stage, it is often wise to start using beard oil that can encourage growth and train hairs to lay in the direction you want. For cleaning, regularly use a beard shampoo.

man trimming his beard in the mirror

4. The First Trim

When growing a beard, most men reach a point at which a trim seems unavoidable. This can be an anxious time, as trimming a beard is a skill that takes practice. Before you start, decide what kind of beard you want. In some cases, a beard trimmer is the only tool you need. For others, a beard shaping kit can help to achieve the right look.

Reaching the end of your beard growth timeline is one of life's most rewarding experiences. Now that you have your beard, proper care is essential. For all of your beard maintenance needs, Wild Willies has you covered. 

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